Rashan’s work in education, design and entrepreneurship have led him to speak and facilitate thousands of students, teachers and designers at schools, universities, conferences, seminars, masterclasses, workshops, tutorials and various corporate events all around Australia. Although his speaking career began in Kindergarden in Sri Lanka, he is only getting started...

To engage Rashan as a speaker all you have to do is click the button below!

Speech is power:
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Keynotes & Lectures
Seminars & Workshops
Podcast Interviews

Deakin University - Education & Training in the design industry

University of Queensland - Networking like a pro!; LinkedIn Lead Generation; The Design Industry

Queensland University of Technology - Networking like a pro!; LinkedIn Lead Generation; The Design Industry

Griffith University - Networking like a pro!; LinkedIn Lead Generation; The Design Industry

Monash University - Networking like a pro!; LinkedIn Lead Generation; The Design Industry

RMIT - Networking like a pro!; LinkedIn Lead Generation; The Design Industry

Australian Institute of Architects - Industry Guest Panel

SEE Sustainable Experience Expo - Professional Social Sustainability

DATTA Victoria State Conference 2017 - The Design Industry and its implications in the classroom

The Shiv Show - An Inspired Passion (The Journey of an Entrepreneur)

Myriad Technology Conference 2018 - Design for Business

Victoria University - Entrepreneurship & Innovation

STEaM Australia - Design Thinking in Design Education

Design Thinking for Design Teachers Masterclass (Workshops around Australia

DATTA Australia National Conference 2018 - The Future of Education is Design!

Brisbane State Library - Architecture and Beyond

Design Thinking for Teachers Masterclass 2019

DATTA Queensland Conference 2019 - Key Note - Creative Integrations

Public Speaking Mastery - Brisbane City Library

Networking 101 - Brisbane City Library

DATTA Queensland Conference 2019 - Key Note - Future of Education : The Beginning of the Future of Work

National University of Science & Technology - The Design Industry & Transferrable Skills

Live on stage in 3, 2, 1...    ENGAGE


Deakin University - Education & Training in the design industry

University of Queensland - Networking like a pro!; LinkedIn Lead Generation; The Design Industry

Queensland University of Technology - Networking like a pro!; LinkedIn Lead Generation; The Design Industry

Griffith University - Networking like a pro!; LinkedIn Lead Generation; The Design Industry

Monash University - Networking like a pro!; LinkedIn Lead Generation; The Design Industry

RMIT - Networking like a pro!; LinkedIn Lead Generation; The Design Industry

Australian Institute of Architects - Industry Guest Panel

SEE Sustainable Experience Expo - Professional Social Sustainability

DATTA Victoria State Conference 2017 - The Design Industry and its implications in the classroom

The Shiv Show - An Inspired Passion (The Journey of an Entrepreneur)

Myriad Technology Conference 2018 - Design for Business

Victoria University - Entrepreneurship & Innovation

STEaM Australia - Design Thinking in Design Education

Design Thinking for Design Teachers Masterclass (Workshops around Australia

DATTA Australia National Conference 2018 - The Future of Education is Design!

Brisbane State Library - Architecture and Beyond

Design Thinking for Teachers Masterclass 2019

DATTA Queensland Conference 2019 - Key Note - Creative Integrations

Public Speaking Mastery - Brisbane City Library

Networking 101 - Brisbane City Library

DATTA Queensland Conference 2019 - Key Note - Future of Education : The Beginning of the Future of Work

National University of Science & Technology - The Design Industry & Transferrable Skills

Live on stage in 3, 2, 1...