S03 : Ep. 10 : Varkey Foundation’s $1M Global Teacher Prize Finalist: Yasodai Selvakumaran

S03 : Ep. 10 : Varkey Foundation's $1M Global Teacher Prize Finalist: Yasodai Selvakumaran

2019 Varkey Foundation’s $1M Global Teacher Prize Finalist Yasodai Selvakumaran and I deep dive into understand all things education! Yasodai humble shares her amazing journey as a teacher at Rooty Hill State high School in Sydney West, to the stage as a Top 10 Global Teacher Prize Finalist (not to mention meeting Hugh Jackman!) and her fellowship from Western Sydney University. We deep-dive into answering questions such as – what does effective teaching look like? What are the best practice methods for the future of education and 21st century? How can these skills be embedded into practice as well as linking the Harvard visible thinking model within teaching practise for effective education? Yasodai, then goes to share her advice for teaching vs. facilitation as well as learnings from her experience traveling to many countries and elevating her teaching experience. It is literally, all things education, so tune into for a wealth of knowledge.

Yasodai Selvakumaran is Teacher Ambassador for the New South Wales Department of Education and Relieving Head Teacher Professional Practice and Humanities Teacher at Rooty Hill High School in Sydney’s West.  She leads teacher induction and professional learning across career levels with expertise that includes subject pedagogies, mentoring and classroom observation. In 2019, she was a top ten finalist for the Varkey Foundation's $1 million Global Teacher Prize. She was recently awarded an Honorary Fellowship from Western Sydney University for a "sustained and significant contribution to Education in Western Sydney". Yasodai is a proud member of the executive of the Australian Curriculum Studies Association.

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Twitter: @yasodaiselva
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